Dauntsey’s welcomes Olympic rower Heather Stanning OBE to the school

Posted on 3rd May 2018 in School News, Sport, Guest speakers

Dauntsey’s has recently welcomed twice Olympic champion rower Heather Stanning OBE as part of the School’s Mercers’ Lecture series.

Prior to the lecture, Heather met a group of Sixth Formers who shared their experiences of taking part in the Devizes to Westminster canoe race. Other topics of discussion included drug use in sport and how Heather motivated herself throughout her Olympic training, as well as her experience in competing at a home games in 2012. She spoke in depth about her rowing partnership with Helen Glover, explaining that Helen is ‘outcome driven’ whereas she is ‘process driven’. These two outlooks together proved to be a winning combination.

Heather addressed her lecture to an audience of all ages, starting with a video of her second Olympic Gold win with Helen in Rio’s 2016 Games. She spoke at length about the necessary qualities to become the best version of ourselves, focusing on resilience and maintaining a positive mental attitude. She shared her own experience of returning to rowing after the year she spent back in the Army, which had included a tour in Afghanistan. Finally, Heather highlighted the critical role of coaches and the team that surrounds elite athletes. She has now retired from rowing and has returned to the Army on a full-time basis.

One Sixth Former from Dauntsey’s who attended the lecture said: ‘Heather’s words left us feeling inspired. She encouraged us to always take an opportunity or challenge handed to us and, most importantly, to always be the best version of ourselves.’