Dauntsey’s welcomes renowned rugby referee Nigel Owens MBE

Posted on 15th Feb 2018 in School News, Guest speakers

Dauntsey’s pupils and members of the local community enjoyed a fascinating talk last week, delivered by Welsh international rugby union referee Nigel Owens MBE. Nigel gave an enthralling and inspiring talk about his prolific refereeing career and then spoke frankly about his life, his struggle with mental health issues, and the importance of accepting yourself for who you are. The event was part of the School’s annual Mercers’ Lecture series.

A group of 18 Sixth Form students ran a pre-lecture discussion with Nigel over dinner. Conversation ranged from his early family memories, his views on modern day rugby, through to how it felt to officiate his 80th international rugby match this month during the NatWest Six Nations Championship.

Following dinner, Nigel delivered his lecture to some 1000 people, packed into the School’s Memorial Hall. He captivated the audience with his honesty and humour and provided food for thought when talking about his early life, including the bullying he suffered.

One Sixth Former from Dauntsey’s said, after the lecture:

‘Nigel spoke openly about his life and answered all our questions with total honesty. His message was overwhelmingly positive: you must have the courage to accept who you are and be the best possible version of yourself. We left feeling inspired by what you can achieve in life through hard work, kindness and positive thinking. He also had the audience in stitches with some of his rugby tales!

‘The spontaneous standing ovation at the end of the lecture was a fitting tribute to what had been a truly inspirational evening.’