Girls’ cricket thrives at Dauntsey’s

Posted on 17th May 2018 in School News, Sport

With the summer term well underway, girls’ cricket is thriving at Dauntsey’s. The School now runs two junior teams and an intermediate team, with girls playing from the First to Fifth Forms. With six matches scheduled this term, the girls are keen to take on more competition both as a girls’ team but also as a mixed team with the boys.

The Girls' Cricket Club at Dauntsey's was started in 2014 by Art Teacher Sarah Rountree, who has been running the club since then. She now has coaching support from PE Teacher Nick Leach.

Sarah Rountree said: ‘Most of the girls, when they join the club, have never played cricket before but seem to quickly gain an appreciation and love of the club, the game, and the friendships they make across the year groups.

‘The team has won its first two matches and has the benefit of two county players and plenty of promising young talent coming through.’