St Swithun’s contributes £12.6m and 342 jobs to Winchester’s economy

Posted on 8th May 2019 in School News

St Swithun’s school contributed £12.6m towards Winchester’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the last financial year, according to a report carried out by Oxford Economics for the Independent Schools Council (ISC). This represented 0.26% of the city’s total GDP. 

St Swithun’s employs 310 staff, supporting 550 jobs in the UK economy directly or via its UK-based supply chain. It supports 0.36% of all jobs in Winchester either directly or via its supply chain.

The total contribution of St Swithun’s to the national economy was £23.1m. In addition, the total savings generated for the UK taxpayer, as a result of attendance at St Swithun’s by the 615 pupils who would otherwise take up a free UK state school place was £3.8m.

Arguably of more importance, during the 2018/19 academic year, St Swithun’s will have delivered 130 hours of enrichment activities to 560 local primary school children. 

In addition, it is on course to provide 35 hours of free swimming pool access including tuition and transport, saving each participating primary school an average of £3,000 and ensuring their pupils can swim 25m. In addition, the school provides 20 hours of holiday activity sessions for more than 30 children.

Approximately 150 people from the local Winchester area regularly attend the St Swithun’s Speakers’ Programme which features academics, politicians, philanthropists, adventurers, scientists and the media.

Headmistress Jane Gandee said: "St Swithun’s is proud of its heritage as a Winchester institution, having been founded by local philanthropist Anna Bramston in 1884. It occupied buildings in the city centre until the 1930s and played a key role in Winchester’s war effort. 

"Our links with the local community remain strong with pupils visiting local nursing homes and cooking for the Winchester Nightshelter on a regular basis. In June, our year 11 pupils will return to the Unit 12 local community centre, following our partnership with them during the launch phase last year. Our pupils will help to create an outdoor education space, tackle refurbishment and maintenance work and hold a Unit 12 Open Day event for the Winnall Community.