​Resilience. Confidence. Self-Belief

Posted on 8th Dec 2021 in School News, Wellbeing

Supporting the health and wellbeing of students at Kent College, Canterbury.

More and more young people growing up today are faced with a comparison based existence. The importance of the influence of social media and the way in which we are all connected makes this inevitable. On the internet, there are so many people, ideals and images to measure against.

At Kent College, Canterbury pastoral care and guidance from staff provide support for students as they develop. This will see them through the challenging times that all teenagers encounter. The KC pastoral pyramid includes the student’s Tutor, Head of House, student mentors and school counsellors as well as Heads of School who are all on hand to provide guidance and give help when required.

Believing in yourself

We believe it is important to give students the tools to develop a principal-based existence, through which they are content by just being themselves. They need to have the self-belief and confidence to say “I am enough, just as I am.’’ Ensuring a high level of wellbeing is key to successful learning. Students must be happy, content and secure in themselves to learn effectively. Physical health, good eating and sleeping routines all form part of a healthy lifestyle. We ensure through a regular programme of lectures, visiting speakers and well-being events that students develop the key skills they need to be able to tackle stressful times in their lives.

Challenge itself can be a good thing, as it is important to develop resilience. With 60 extra-curricular activities, there really is something for everyone at KC to try. Beyond developing physical health these activities help to develop character, confidence and connection. Students form friendships and memories through their participation and mastering of these skills. From this, they create a sense of worth and self-efficacy needed to negotiate the unfamiliar. They go out into the world prepared to help other people as they believe in themselves.

Making the world a better place

Kent College is known for its outstanding results for the International Baccalaureate, A Levels and GCSEs but most importantly of all, we hope that KC produces people who will go out into the world and have a positive impact on others as a result of their experiences at the school. If they are not happy and secure in their own skin they will not be able to do this. Their own well-being is the bedrock on which everything is founded. We want them to go on to be successful in life but to also be good wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, boyfriends and girlfriends and to make the world a better place.

To find out more or to take a bespoke tour of Kent College please contact the Admissions Team at admissions@kentcollege.co.uk

This article first appeared in the 2022 edition of Which School? You can read the new edition here: