St Columba’s staff donate PPE and support the local community

Posted on 22nd May 2020 in School News

Staff at St Columba’s College in St Albans have been supporting the local community during Coronavirus by making PPE, donating supplies and delivering food hampers to those in need.

This has included Head of Guertin House, Ms Treacy, who has joined the ‘Visor Army’ and is making approved PPE for London and Hertfordshire hospitals. Ms Treacy has also donated the cost of a visor for each member of the House, staff and students, on their collective behalf to support this effort.

She has inspired others to make approved visors for the NHS, including Prep School Learning Assistant Mrs Lorman and her family.

Ms Meigh, our Trips Administrator, is helping with a hamper scheme for local families who normally get free school meals. Ms Meigh has also been helping to deliver the boxes of food once a week.

The school is delighted to also have been able to show the NHS our support by donating gloves and safety goggles from the Science Department to a local doctor’s surgery. The Art Department’s safety glasses have also been donated to the NHS.

Thank you to all staff and students that are helping our community during this time.