Cranleigh School has maintained last year’s record GCSE results, with 26% of all grades a 9, and 55% of all grades being 9/8. In addition, 68% of all grades were 9-7 (equivalent to A*–A) and 99% of students gained 5 GCSEs at 9 to 4 grade.
Students at LVS Ascot are celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results, with the number of A* or equivalent grades rising to almost 10%. The English language and maths pass rates both also rose, to 99% and 94% respectively, with 99% of students who achieved at least 5 A* - C (or equivalent) GCSEs passing both maths and English.
Fifth Form pupils at Denstone College, near Uttoxeter, are celebrating after achieving a number of excellent results in their GCSE and IGCSE exams.
Holme Grange School, Wokingham celebrates record GCSE results this year with over half of all grades (58%) being 9 – 7, the old A* - A and a 90% pass rate.
King's Ely students are celebrating their GCSE results with around two thirds of all grades achieved being 9 to 6.
Burgess Hill Girls are celebrating a stunning set of GCSE results with over half (51%) of all entries graded 9/8 or A* and a massive 74% of all entries graded 9-7 (old grades A*/A), a 10% increase on last year.